Wanna know just how Mayor Villaraigosa is planning to get a handle on traffic? Whether he prefers Pink's or Tail O' the Pup? If the LAX expansion plan is headed for a major retooling or straight to the scrapheap? If he agrees that all Lindsay Lohan
really needs is a good, hearty breakfast at the Griddle to get right with the eating-disorder gods?
You can ask him by clicking
here, and submitting your questions for ABC7's "Ask the Mayor" segment on this Sunday's Eyewitness Newsmakers program.
Policy wonks, beware: there's a 50 word limit for mayoral queries, so keep your interrogatories re:
CRA/LA's Downtown Los Angeles Parking Management Ordinance Implementation Project, for instance, brief and to the point.
Questions along the lines of "
Boxers or briefs?", on the other hand, will most likely go straight to the top of list.
They make for good television, don't ya know.